


Absolutes meet absolutes,
On the battlefield of mind.
The winner takes the heart,
And the heart drives the hands,
And the hands do what they will.
There is a time on this earth,
For questions,
And there is a time for answers.
The mind is the gateway
To the question,
And the question is the gateway
To knowledge of things,
Earthly and divine.
But the young mind also craves absolutes.

Pity the world that leaves absolutes,
To barbarians.

To those who believe absolutely in hate,
I say let us believe absolutely in love.
To those who believe absolutely in superiority,
I say let us believe absolutely in equality,
To those who believe absolutely in slavery,
I say let us believe absolutely in freedom,
To those who believe absolutely in the inferiority of women,
I say let us believe absolutely in the superiority of women.
To those who believe absolutely in the good of violence,
I say let us believe absolutely in the good of nonviolence.

To those who believe absolutely in distrust,
Of the stranger,
I say I will absolutely,
Again and again,
Till the day I die,
Trust In the stranger.
To those who kill with absolute certainty,
I say I will fight your will to kill,
With absolute certainty,
Till my last breath.
To those who absolutely disbelieve in humanity,
As a family,
I say with absolute certainty that,
As real as are the earth and stars,
As certain as are the infinite galaxies,
So is my absolute certainty,
That humanity,
Is one family.


(Photo: Lossofsoul.com)


© Marc Gopin
