It has become commonplace for innocent religious worshippers to be a focal point of war. This time it is Iranian pilgrims in Baghdad, and we must mourn for them. It is true that the United States is responsible for the destruction of Iraq, but no one familiar with the politics and leaders of the region can fail to note the decades long devastation from proxy Sunni-Shiite wars fought since the Iranian Revolution. Al Qaeda knows how to stir that pot as an extremist Sunni organization, but the current leaders of Iran stir it further by proxy wars and agitations all over the Middle East. It is time for opinion of the majority of the Iranian people to dominate their politics and foreign policy, which is a focus on prosperity, basic human needs and dignity. One senses the trap that leaderships across the region are in as far as Sunni/Shiite violence. But I am convinced that this is one more reason for Iran to accept Obama’s overtures and the implicit ‘grand bargain’ for normalization. This is key to the global future, to the Gulf’s future, to Islam’s future, and, above all, to the future safety of civilians, religious and secular alike. .

Women mourning their relatives
Women mourning their relatives
© Marc Gopin
