Tag: bahrain middle east

  • U.S. Pressure on Arab States Grows, But It Misses Where Hope Lies

    U.S. Pressure on Arab States Grows
    By Kim Ghattas

    The Obama administration has been frustrated by the lack of movement on all sides but has reportedly been particularly disappointed by how little Arab countries have been willing to do or even promise.

    Wary from past experience of negotiating with the Israelis, the official Arab position has been one of “show us the goods, then we will talk”.

    Link to BBC Article.

    This just about sums about what I have seen and heard in the region. No one is in the mood for more talk of rapprochement with Israel. With the United States, definitely. There is still a hope that the United States will provide the leadership to move governments in the region toward a new direction of engagement with their people. But the war on Gaza was far more of a watershed than anyone understands in Western capitals, especially in …
