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Tag: empathy
“Concentration Camp” by a Young German Woman
This song is written by a young German woman, please watch. It made me weep.
Ahava – Concentration Camp (Song)
Harsh Observation and Revenge
Harsh observation
When you give peanuts to peacemakers and billions to weapons industries expect your children to die.
When you burn someone to death, the lungs breathe the fire. But this is as true of a bomb from the sky as it is from a torch.
Most innocents are not killed in conflict by savage murder. Most die from ‘you hit me, so I hit you harder’.
It is the savage in all of us that is the real killer to be chained. We dismiss the terrorist and waltz back into war.
The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them. Ezekiel 18:20. (6th Century BCE) Enough said on house demolitions, carpet bombing.Both …
Imagine a Violent World Where You Have No Military Option: What Would You Do? | Marc Gopin
Here is my latest from Huffington Post:
Imagine a violent world in which all means to defend yourself with violence is out of the question. No matter which way you turn the people with guns just suck. They are dangerous, unreliable, and are killing or getting killed all the time. What would you do? Especially if you were a guy, like most who do the killing in conflict. What if you were surrounded with corrupt and dangerous military on the one side and extremist rebels on the other?
No one likes to think about this reality, even though it is the more common reality of war faced by millions of people since the dawn of time. It does not fit our neat brain patterns for simplistic gut reactions. Some gut reactions always side with government and military, others side with those who are defiant and willing to fight. Everyone …
The Devil You Know is Always Better–Except That He Is Not
Rational Americans are surprised that no one sees the danger of underestimating domestic right-wing terrorism by the general public. In this recent article, CNN rightly documents why this is so illogical and dangerous, why domestic terrorism is a far more significant threat. Yet no one is locking down major cities like Boston when such domestic terrorist events occur.
The answer to why Americans are like this is as simple as it is dangerous. We are always felled by the Devil we know, because he is one of us, and we are taught from childhood to trust ‘us’ and fear ‘them’. Depending on who has raised you, the categories of ‘them’ and ‘us’ will change. But everyone, as a normal part of human maturation, has an ‘us’ and a ‘them’, a safe world and a world that is unknown and possibly dangerous. But most domestic violence, most murder, will be by …
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