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Tag: reconciliation
Short Film with a Long History
I have been haunted by this short film for days. For those who do not know it is about Rainer Rainer Höß, grandson of the commandant of Auschwitz who murdered over 15 thousand human beings a day, at least one million, while raising his children in the camp. Anyone who wants to understand conflict analysis, reconciliation, and who lives with the shadows of Jewish life, should see this. I cannot stop thinking about this. I lost it 2/3 of way in. See it to the end.
Watch video here.…
Event with New Story Leadership Participants
Last weekend, Marc appeared on the event of New Story Leadership for the Middle East as a panelist to discuss with Israeli and Palestinian youths, at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.
During the 7-week youth leadership program in Washington, a young delegation with 5 Israelis and 5 Palestinians watched the recent news of increasing tension between two countries, which made the program challenging and notable.
You can read the report of this event at Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, or watch the video.
They Bomb and You Bomb
*dedicated to all my dearest Arab, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Agnostic sisters and brothers,
Too many to name,
Across the world,
Who bring light and love.
You know who you are.
I had a dream of you.
Last night I saw bombs bursting everywhere,
But they were Yours not theirs.
They bombed and you bombed.
Their bombs pierce the body and break it apart in pieces,
Your bombs pierce the heart and merge body and soul with millions of other souls.
Their bombs stream across the sky with hate,
Your bombs stream across the planet with love.
Their bombs destroy family relations,
Yours create a thousand more relations.
Their bombs make a man weep with sorrow,
And your bombs make a man weep with sorry.
Their bombs are designed for ultimate torture,
And your bombs heal the worst wounds.
Their bombs are manufactured for revenge,
And yours for …
A role for the US in Afghan national reconciliation? by Shukria Dellawar
This is a wonderful article, very important timing. Ria is absolutely right on, except I suspect strongly that Petreaus is much more of an ally than she thinks. But there are other problems with the American military and political system that are preventing the rational approach that she is recommending. The ideology of killing, hard conquest, is in the way, and it still afflicts enough people at various levels of authority that moving quickly now is hard. But that is where progressives need to step up and lobby hard, with money, to do the right thing.
A role for the US in Afghan national reconciliation?by Shukria Dellawar05 August 2010
Washington, DC – In June, at the latest loya jirga (a grand assembly comprised of tribal leaders) meeting in Kabul, 1,600
Jews and Palestinians as Brothers: A View From Genetics
There has been extensive analysis in the last decade of the genetic origins of Jews and their relationship to other groups, especially in the Middle East. I am still in a state of shock from these many studies. This research has been overshadowed by the wars of Jews and Palestinians, but the genetic research provides an opportunity for profound reflection on what actually is happening when Jews and Palestinians fight, who they really are, and where these two peoples have been for the past 10,000 years.
In this video I react to that evidence. I explore the relationship between genetics, science, the Book of Genesis, and some basic truths of the Palestinian/Jewish relationship. Below the video please find a genetic map of the Jewish people’s y chromosomes, and where Palestinians and Syrians, and other Middle Eastern groups, fall.
This article just appeared in Today’s Zaman and in Zaman which is Turkey’s preeminent journal. As you can see this has been part of my ongoing efforts to introduce and encourage far more intermediaries in the Middle Eastern conflict who can be effective, trustworthy and more even handed that Western intervention. This is meant also to encourage the United States, Hilary Clinton, and others to follow the lead of where the most moderate voices of the Islamic world are going. This is also a development of my work in Syria which has encouraged cultural revival that is peace-oriented, practical and visionary at once.
…Turkey’s return to glory
Marc Gopin
For reasons of history, culture and geography, there is a surprising opportunity for Turkey to assume a position of central global leadership in the 21st century and thereby further all of its legitimate national interests.This is shocking considering the
Problems & SOLUTIONS in Akko (Acre)
Riots between Arabs and Jews have plagued the Israeli town of Akko for days now. There has been outrageous behavior and frightening experiences for everyone. The facts of what really happened will be contested, as is expected in this ongoing conflict of Arabs and Jews. But…
John Lennon once said,
“Well I tell them there’s no problem, only solutions.”With this in mind, here is something going on in Akko that unfortunately, you won’t read about in the newspapers:
“Peace Sukkah in Akko/Sulha Tent
Thursday, October 16, 12:00
Tentative meeting place: Outside Akko Theater
(please contact Orly for a final location 054-210-3139)Join us in promoting reconciliation among Akko residents. If you want to see the crisis as an opportunity for a meeting, getting closer and reform, join us in a conversation, in creating a space which allows sharing of pain and hopes for reconciliation between Palestinians and Jews.
Activity …
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