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Tag: sulha
Problems & SOLUTIONS in Akko (Acre)
Riots between Arabs and Jews have plagued the Israeli town of Akko for days now. There has been outrageous behavior and frightening experiences for everyone. The facts of what really happened will be contested, as is expected in this ongoing conflict of Arabs and Jews. But…
John Lennon once said,
“Well I tell them there’s no problem, only solutions.”With this in mind, here is something going on in Akko that unfortunately, you won’t read about in the newspapers:
“Peace Sukkah in Akko/Sulha Tent
Thursday, October 16, 12:00
Tentative meeting place: Outside Akko Theater
(please contact Orly for a final location 054-210-3139)Join us in promoting reconciliation among Akko residents. If you want to see the crisis as an opportunity for a meeting, getting closer and reform, join us in a conversation, in creating a space which allows sharing of pain and hopes for reconciliation between Palestinians and Jews.
Activity …
What is *Reality*? – Welcome to the Sulha
In the context of major global conflicts, where everyone is analyzing what is right or wrong, black or white, left or right, it has occured to me that the definition of reality sometimes gets lost in the mix.
Here are few definitons of reality occording to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
1: the quality or state of being real
2 a (1): a real event, entity, or state of affairs
reality(2): the totality of real things and events realityb: something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily Imagine for just a moment if headlines coming out of the Middle East read like this tomorrow….
Today thousands of Arabs, Jews, Israelis,
Palestinians, Seculars and Religious, Christians, Muslims,
Druze, young and old gathered to dance, to cry, to share, to
laugh, to work, to play and ultimately, to live together for
three days just a few miles outside of … -
Former prisoner tells tale of peace at Sulha
Here is one of many stories emerging out of the days of Sulha that brought together thousands of Jews and Palestinians last week. The Jerusalem Post reports:
…While Sulha participants offer many different stories and personalities, Abu Awwad’s story is exceptional in that he truly comes from the “other side.” A resident of a village near Hebron and self-described “participant” in the second intifada who spent six years in an Israeli jail, Abu Awwad has seen his share of fighting and loss.
“My brother Yusef was killed at a checkpoint in 2000,” Abu Awwad said. “And another one of my brothers, Said, was killed in 2004.”
Abu Awwad explained that a third brother, Ali, who was in attendance at Latrun on Tuesday, had been shot and wounded during the intifada, along with his son, who was also wounded by gunfire in 2004.
“We’ve been through it all,” he said. “And
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