The Brain War

Boy with flag
An international outpouring of grief over unnecessary human losses from depression has led to a startling conclusion: the truth that occurs to the human brain is often absolutely not the truth.
The same can be said of the human brain on war and the human brain on nationalism. The brain on nationalism is a brain on cocaine. is a brain bent on unreality. is a brain that is damaged.
The human brain on nationalism finds it impossible to express anything. to experience any new fact other then in how it affects the balance of power between his nationalism and everyone else’s nationalism.
There could be a statement on a flower and it will be reinterpreted in terms of national defense, national attack, national opportunity.
I am persuaded by extensive evidence that most human brains are capable of being rewired. But it takes hard work and the failure to do so is often fatal and leads to suicide. But I am speaking now not of depression but of war and ultranationalism.


(Photo: Aafar Ashtiyeh/AFP/Getty Images)

© Marc Gopin
