The Jerusalem Hug

by Jay Filipi

Jerusalem Hug
Jerusalem Hug

Jerusalem Hug

On June 21, 2009 will be the third annual Jerusalem Hug. The Jerusalem Hug will occur from 4-11 pm, in the Old City. The hug begins with two facilitated listening circles, one in an open air plaza south of the Jaffa Gate and another at Palm Trees’ Garden (Suk Al Falahin) west of the Damascus Gate. The facilitated listening circles will be followed by drumming, singing and dancing. The Big Jerusalem Hug begins at 6 pm, where all participants will spread out and link arms in a big hug around the Old City and share in a blessing for unity, harmony and peace for Jerusalem and the whole world. After the hug everyone will gather at “Tzahal Square” (at the top of the Old City walls, between New Gate and Jaffa Gate, opposite Jerusalem City Hall).

Jerusalem is a sacred city for many people around the world. It is the where the three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) come together. “Jerusalem stands as symbol for peace and forgiveness in the world. Let Jerusalem be a city of connection, the heart of the world where unity and peace will be a fact”( On June 21st, everyone that is available should join arms with friends and neighbors to affirm Jerusalem as a city of peace and in celebration of the shared importance and wonderful history of Jerusalem

On June 21st join arms, share in a blessing for unity, harmony and peace, and give Jerusalem a hug, for further information:

© Marc Gopin
