Month: June 2011

  • Compassionate Judaism

    Coming soon on this site: Marc’s second blog, which will be called Compassionate Judaism and be about exactly that. Check back!…

  • Don’t Talk, Do Something! Palestinian/Israeli Unilateralism as Legitimate Negotiations


    Much is being made of Palestinian unilateralism recently, and President Obama and his advisors seem authentically perturbed by the unilateral march to Palestinian statehood declarations at the United Nations come September. It will indeed put the United States in an awful position.


    Is this Palestinian move such a bad thing, and it is a betrayal of that sacred cow of statecraft, verbal negotiations? I say no, it is rather Palestinian leaders finally intuiting what the true form of negotiations have been all along, the true positions being formulated by successive leaderships of Israel. That form of negotiation, the one that has marched forward year after year, is the creation of facts on the ground, actions not words.


    I always knew that actions speak louder than words, but only of late have I come to realize that they are not only a form of negotiation but the form …
